Thursday, January 8, 2009

Life with Jack

My husband, Jack, has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Already this has changed our lives, as you would expect.
I have started a blog for him at
We're praying for a full and speedy recovery, but have no idea where this journey will take us. Meanwhile, I will try to continue making art and sharing it here.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Snow Again!

Here is round two of Northwest snow for this winter. Not alot, but also, not expected. These were taken last night. This morning it's raining a little and the snow is melting away.

Verksted Artist Co-op

I juried and was accepted as an artist at our local artist cooperative. I'm very excited to rejoin this group of wonderful artists. I believe they represent the best of Kitsap County and even Western Washington for that matter.

My inventory is pretty small for the moment, but as I keep working on it, it will grow.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Paper at last!

Finally. Jack and I settled down the other day and made some paper. It is an interesting task. When the pulp goes in, I'm never certain what will come out. This time I'm able to use a little more than half of the paper we made. The rest will eventually go back into the "vat" and be resuscitated. My favorites are the ones with "botanicals". I also did some with gold leaf in them. You can't see it in the pictures, but they are really pretty. Hope to do another batch in the coming week.