Monday, April 16, 2012

Breast Cancer

So then, I guess it's time to get back to posting my life and times. I have cut and pasted from my e-mails to get this caught up.
I had a weird feeling in my left breast between Christmas and New Years. I went to my doctor and she sent me for a mammogram and an ultrasound. Nothing was found. However, unsatisfied with that she sent me to a breast specialist, Dr Sheila Lally. Dr Lally was not happy with how things were looking and acting and sent me for a MRI. Still nothing was found. She still wasn't satisfied and had me have a needle biopsy. By this time I was certain there was nothing going on but my imagination. However, thanks to Dr Lally's persistence, the biopsy found cancer in the form of a Lobular Carcinoma. This is not a common diagnosis and is pretty much a definite precursor to full blown breast cancer. The decision was made to do a bilateral (both sides) mastectomy with reconstruction. Both sides because, although the right side was tested clean, this cancer tends to mirror itself. Following are the e-mail updates........................

Monday April 2nd

I have just returned from 6 wonderful days with my friends from New Mexico, Colorado and Texas. We were in Port Townsend for Artfest where we took classes and played and visited. It was a great vacation away from all the stress of gearing up for my surgery.

So, the surgery is scheduled for Friday the 6th of April. Just a few days away. I will be at Harrison Hospital in Bremerton at 7:30 in the morning. I will have dye injected so that the doctor can see my lymph nodes. Then my surgery will start at noon and should take about 6 hours. Afterwards I will spend the night and hopefully be released on Saturday. My release will depend on how the surgery went and on pain control. When I am released I will go to my sister-in-law Jean’s house until I am able to have the drainage tubes removed. This will take about 6-10 days. My follow-up will be on Thursday, April 12th and I am hoping the tubes will come out then. Meanwhile, Jean is fully vested in taking care of me at her house.

Please, feel free to call us anytime after Saturday 360-779-5257. One of us will try to answer. If we don’t, I will try to get back to you when I am able. If you’d like to visit, please call and we will let you know when is a good time.

I won’t be able to send out another e-mail until I am back at my house.

Sunday April 15

I’m happy to report that I a finally home at my house. The surgery was on the 6th and my doctor released me on the morning of the 7th. This is a good thing as we quickly discovered there is no rest in the hospital. Jean (sister-in-law) stayed with me and neither of us got a wink of sleep. Even if you fall asleep you are woken in a few minutes so they can get your name and date of birth and take your blood pressure. Guess they think you may forget who you are. Anyway, Jean took me to her house and nursed me back to being able to take care of myself. Yesterday I came home to my house and it feels great. All my stuff is here and I can play all day.

On Thursday, my doctor removed the drainage tube on the right side, but the left is still there and I have to take care of that. Not a big deal. I still have lots of pain and I really have to pay attention to what I am doing. Especially, no lifting. I quit the pain meds several days ago and am only taking Aleeve. It works well. I’m wearing compression “gear” and that is a challenge. I’m just figuring out how to keep it from slipping. Also, it is difficult to pick stuff up off the floor. I have figured out how to put on my socks and am wearing only slip on shoes. Overall, I am doing quite well since it’s only been a week. My spirits are up and I feel like I’m on the mend.

The lab results did find a VERY small spot in one of my lymph nodes and I will meet with more doctors this coming week regarding this. So far I’m pretty sure that they will do nothing until I’m healed from this major surgery. Then, it will likely be just a short round of radiation. I’m only speculating.

I can’t tell you how overwhelmed I’ve been by the love and care I’ve received from so many of you. So many cards, e-mails, calls, visits, flowers it’s overwhelming.. I wish I could get back to each of you, and I will try.

So here I am, and please don’t hesitate to call. I will be sleeping a lot, so do leave a message and I will return your call when I can. Just know that I am doing fine and also that I have a long healing road ahead.

So, this is where I stand now. I am grateful for a persistent doctor whom I have grown to love as a friend and trusted advisor. And I am grateful for friends and family, especially my sister-in-law Jean, for the daily love and care taking. Without this my journey could not be done.

My plans are simple. Because I have two months with no real responsibility but healing, I plan to use this time to read, relax and do art. I also have a quilting project that is simple sewing and will finish that in time to make my first quilting machine project when I can do that work again. Also at the top of my list is continuing to paint with my Flora Bowley internet class and work on getting my Etsy sight up and running with Hand Dyed Socks and Hand Made Journals. I feel this time is a gift and that I am responsible to use it wisely. My plan also includes keeping this Blog up-to-date.

Here is to Hope and Healing.

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