Sunday, July 15, 2012

Royal Family Kids Camp

I just returned from 6 amazing days ministering to 29 abused and abandoned children from the Washington State Foster Care system.  Our church (Gateway Fellowship) has sponsored this camp for 20 years and I am one of 5 who have not missed a year.  It is a grueling 6 days of labors of love for these kids.  They are with us 24/7, from Monday through Friday.  The work that they see is great.  The work that goes on behind the scenes is amazing.  Generally each counselor is responsible for 2 children; some just one, depending on the need.  So with 29 kids we had 16 counselors and some 30-35 additional staff people on any given day.  It is a huge undertaking.  My job is to coordinate the staff and make sure everyone is in the right place at the right time.  Luckily there are many "self-starters".
I was truly blessed this year as I was unable to do any real physical work (lifting and hauling) due to my recent surgeries.  The good news is that it was the first week of two of no chemo.  I still had some nausea but most of all I was just tired out by the afternoon.  Most days I managed to get a short nap in but didn't sleep well at night.  My first day home was spent sleeping and trying to get the laundry done.
I am grateful for the privilege of serving these children, many of whom have been badly abused by some adult(s) somewhere.  They all carry the scars, physical and emotional.  I am thankful for my childhood of security and love.
My prayer is that some day there will be no need for Foster Care, as all children will be raised in a safe and loving home.
Part of the activities include a play every day.

I'm in the middle as Lady Liberty


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Feeling Good

I'm almost through my second week of my second chemotherapy regimen and I'm feeling really good.  Other than some dry skin (I've got a lot of skin) I have had almost no side effects.    Actually I feel better than I've felt for a couple of years - since before Jack was diagnosed with brain cancer.  And, HURRAY, the sun has finally come to the northwest.  My surgery is healing nicely and quickly.  The doctor is very pleased.  I'm still not as physically fit as I plan to be, but everyday I'm doing something to help that.   Gotta go at it slowly.  Don't want to "bust" anything. Working in the yard has been wonderful and the yard is actually starting to look like a place I'd like to spend time.  My sister-in-law, Jean, and I have made a commitment to walk at least three mornings a week.  When the weather is good it's easy to do.  Also, I plan to utilize the elliptical machine that is sitting like an "elephant" in the middle of my living room more every day.  Thank you Marcia!  
So there's a short update.  Today I'm off to meetings and an afternoon at Fiddle Tunes in Port Townsend with my Chele friend.  Looking forward to visiting with friends we haven't seen since last summer!