Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Update

Since my last update, I have had two "fills" on my reconstruction, both of which were/are uncomfortable, a couple of spots being more tender.  This pain has caused me to be somewhat cranky and tired also.  The constant discomfort is very energy sapping.  However, I have reached my desired size and will have one more fill "for good measure" before my exchange surgery on June 8th.  At that time the plastic surgeon will remove the temporary "expanders" and place the final silicone fillers.  This will be a day surgery at Harrison Hospital.  I will come home the that afternoon.  After that, there a couple of little "cosmetic" procedures in his office which will complete the process.  It has made me very happy to be able to see the end of this part of my treatment.

Yesterday I saw my oncologist for the results on the "recurrence" testing that was done on my tissue.  They have studied hundreds of women and come up with a matrix comparing tissue, type of cancer, age, and several other pieces of information and are able to draw together a score that predicts the likelihood of recurrence.  We were very certain my score would be very low and fall into the "very unlikely" range.  However, fates being what they are and God's plan usually being different than my own, my score came in in the middle zone, a 22 out of fifty.  This is not terribly bad, but because of the type of cancer I have (hard to detect) and the possibility of it lodging in places that would be untreatable (lung or stomach lining), I have opted to 6 months of chemotherapy.  The chemo will be fairly light and will take place right here in Poulsbo.  The side effects will be minimal (comparatively speaking) and will NOT include hair loss.  I will have IV's two Mondays then have the next two weeks off.  During the weeks of the IV's I will also take pills.  The IV's include two drugs and the oral being one drug.  My first week will be next week starting on May 7th.

I was delighted to come home after the scheduling to discover that the treatments will not fall on the Mondays I am scheduled to be away at Fiddle Camps.  This is a real up side to this adventure.  Also, my treatments will be over in September.  This means I will have loads of sunshine and fresh air to enjoy, even if I am not feeling so great.

I can't tell you how much your calls, e-mails and cards mean to me.  The love I am feeling from all around is what sustains me daily.  I covet your prayers and good thoughts.  
Special thanks to my sister-in-law, Jean, who has been my driver, interpreter, dog keeper and constant companion during this past month.  I refer to her as my "Handler".  I could not do this alone.


Kelley said...

Hi Karen,
I'm so glad to hear how well you are doing! Hope we will see each other soon so we can trade stories.
Kelley Daniels

Wendy duchemin said...

Karen, I'm glad Of your progress even though I know it is hard. You are courageous and have a great outlook! I want to bring you a meal, do you like chicken curry? Or macaroni and cheese? if not I will make anything you like ,wells lost anything... Forget filet mignon or rabbit stew! :). With love, Wendy