Thursday, June 28, 2012


Just to prove that I'm doing "something" here are some pictures of my current endeavors.

This is my finished piece from the Class I took with Celeste Simon when I was in New Mexico last fall.  The actual size is 24"x24".  The base is a game board.  Others in the class used a solid board, but because I was traveling I used a Monopoly board that easily divided into 4 pieces to fit in my suitcase.  When I got home I engineered another board for the layer behind and a third piece of foam board to hold the whole thing together.

My favorite is the accordion fold "book of birds" that is along the top.  It is removable.
It took me quite a while to finish this, but I am very happy with it.

Music to My Ears
 This is a page I worked on this past week, just for the fun of it.  It is about 10"x10".  I have a table set up in my living room so I can sit and play art whenever the mood strikes.

The close-ups are a little blurry, but you can get the idea.

Note to self: Learn to use your camera.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

12 Days After Surgery

Can't believe it's been only 12 days since my second "big " surgery.  (and last).  From here it is strictly cosmetic and will not happen for about 3 more months.  We need to be sure everything is completely healed and there is no more swelling, etc.  in order to be sure everything gets in the right place.  I'm feeling very good.  The doctor is pleased with my healing progress and as of tomorrow I am done with the "compression" garments.  It hasn't been bad but it's been a challenge.  The whole process had been a challenge, but knowing the cancer is removed is a big step toward peace of mind.

I started another round of chemotherapy on Monday.  I was quite anxious going in as my last time had been so miserable.  So far this round is going great.  I have a new prescription for nausea and it seems to be working so far.  I got through yesterday with flying colors.  Got a lot done and still didn't need much of a nap.  Now that my surgery is healing, I'm not so tired.

I did have one little adventure on Monday.  When I left the doctor's office I had to stop at Group Health to pick up the new prescription for nausea meds.  When I locked my car and got out I thought it odd that I heard a car running nearby.  Wouldn't you know - it was mine.  Car running, keys inside.   Not good.  I did however have my cell phone in my pocked so before I even went in I summoned my wonderful sister-in-law and she sped to my house, picked up my keys and had them to me almost before my prescription was ready.  Hooray!  And thanks for small towns.  The Oncology office is actually within walking distance and Group Health is about halfway between.

So my chemo schedule is back on - two weeks on, two weeks off.  On the Mondays I go to the Oncology for a blood test, doctor visit and IV drip.  The whole thing takes about two hours.  For the entire 14 days I take oral chemo at home each morning during breakfast.  The secret to the whole thing is keeping food in my stomach.  I have to eat every two hours as well as take the nausea pills in order to not get feeling sick.  Also I have to drink lots of water.  I'm used to eating when I'm hungry and drinking when I'm thirsty so it's hard to do it on a "schedule".  But I have to remember this is only temporary and when it is all over I will be cancer free and ready to get on with life.

I am grateful every day that my cancer was caught at a stage where it was "easy" to deal with.  I have so many people who are really suffering from treatments and know that I am truly blessed.  Also, I have wonderful friends and family who have been so helpful and supportive.  Once again - Thank You All.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Surgery Tomorrow

   I got real nervous about my blood counts. and my doctor and I decided it was better to know ahead of time if I was OK for surgery.  Neither of us wanted to find out the day of the surgery that I wasn't ready. So, I went yesterday and had a quick test done and was thrilled to find out that my counts are way back up again.  That means I'm off to surgery tomorrow morning (June 15th).  This surgery is to remove the "expanders" and place in the "real" silicone boobs.  I've also asked him to do a little tweeking here and there so I will have more incision than originally planned.  I figure that if this is my final chance to make it like I want it, I should take advantage of the situation.
   It will be a "day" surgery.  Much less invasive that the first one that removed everything. That means I will be out of the hospital in the afternoon.  I will go to my sister-in-law's for at least the first 24 hours, then home to my house hopefully Saturday evening or at the latest on Sunday.  I figure that since I'm going to be sitting around doing nothing I may as well be doing it at my own place.  This time I plan to take the pain meds for as long as I need, so if you talk to me please don't hold me to anything that I say :).  
   Thanks to everyone for all the cards, flowers, emails, prayers, calls and visits.  Each and everyone is greatly loved and appreciated.
   I will try to post again as soon as possible next week.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Little Set Back

Went for my chemo appointment yesterday morning and my blood test showed that my white blood cells are too low for the treatment.   So, because of that and my surgery on the 15th my next round of chemo has been put off until the 25th of June.  This will give me plenty of time for the whites to get strong before the surgery.  They need to be in good shape to help the healing happen.  They know what they are doing so I have to just go along even if it messes up my summer even more.  Also, because of my reaction to the drugs they may decide to lessen my dosage.  That’s ok too.
I had already taken my first day of oral drugs at home so I felt ugly all day anyway,  I guess I now know that it’s the orals that make me “uncomfortable”.
So now I am looking forward to several more days of feeling better before the  surgery.  I’ve actually got a good start on a couple of fun art projects and made the final addition to my piece from the class I took in New Mexico in September.  Hope to get pictures tomorrow.  Also have a couple of quilts I’d like to quilted done before my surgery.  So that’s a little update.
Hugs and all to you all

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Here we go again

   Another few weeks have passed and these have been good and bad.  I finished my second week of chemo feeling pretty lousy.  I was pretty tired but gave myself a chance to sleep alot.  I was also feeling a little bit nauseous every day but tried hard to get past that by eating little bits every hour or so. Oddly, I did lose some weight while doing that.  I saw my RN at the end of the two weeks  for a blood test and check up to make sure I was doing OK.  She encouraged me to take the nausea pills each day before I take the oral chemo pills.  I hadn't done that because I wasn't fond of the possible side effects, one being tiredness.  I was already pretty tired and didn't think I needed any more of that. Well, this round starting on Monday will find me taking the nausea pills.  I'm sure they will help and what the heck, I'm sleeping alot anyway.  Oddly enough, I was unable to eat anything green for most of the last month.  I'm just now getting back to being able to eat some vegetables.    
   I've spent lots of time during my "two weeks off"  getting projects ready so I have stuff to do while my useful time is limited, and also figuring out how to break them down into small periods of time. Hopefully I will function better during my next two weeks of treatment.  I do have some things that NEED to get done as well as some things I really want to do.
   I'm very happy to report that Jean and I actually got the vegetable garden planted as well as 6 tomato plants in the ground.  Now all I need to do is water, if it stops raining.  My friend Meghan came and worked in the back yard cleaning out flower beds and moving pots around so I have lots of "new" planting space.  Just need to decide what will work where.  

This is the view out my bedroom window when all the lilacs were blooming.
The bed below the fence is now cleaned out and I'm thinking of putting blue berries there.

Oh yeah - And I got my hair cut off

   So, I have one more day before my next round of chemo starts.  I'm not exactly looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to getting through the next few months and coming out on the other end with a clean slate.  
   My "exchange" surgery for the breast reconstruction is on June 15.  Hopefully I will be "up and running" by the following Monday. It is day surgery and should keep me down for just a day or so.  We'll see how that goes.
   Meanwhile, thank you for all your prayers, cards, calls, and e-mails.  It's what keeps me going!