Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Little Set Back

Went for my chemo appointment yesterday morning and my blood test showed that my white blood cells are too low for the treatment.   So, because of that and my surgery on the 15th my next round of chemo has been put off until the 25th of June.  This will give me plenty of time for the whites to get strong before the surgery.  They need to be in good shape to help the healing happen.  They know what they are doing so I have to just go along even if it messes up my summer even more.  Also, because of my reaction to the drugs they may decide to lessen my dosage.  That’s ok too.
I had already taken my first day of oral drugs at home so I felt ugly all day anyway,  I guess I now know that it’s the orals that make me “uncomfortable”.
So now I am looking forward to several more days of feeling better before the  surgery.  I’ve actually got a good start on a couple of fun art projects and made the final addition to my piece from the class I took in New Mexico in September.  Hope to get pictures tomorrow.  Also have a couple of quilts I’d like to quilted done before my surgery.  So that’s a little update.
Hugs and all to you all

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Hi Darlin'

So sorry to hear about your delay, but love your spirit about taking things as they come.

When I get done with school (in less than two weeks!!!) I'd love to come visit you.

Keep smiling! Loads of love to you,