Wednesday, June 27, 2012

12 Days After Surgery

Can't believe it's been only 12 days since my second "big " surgery.  (and last).  From here it is strictly cosmetic and will not happen for about 3 more months.  We need to be sure everything is completely healed and there is no more swelling, etc.  in order to be sure everything gets in the right place.  I'm feeling very good.  The doctor is pleased with my healing progress and as of tomorrow I am done with the "compression" garments.  It hasn't been bad but it's been a challenge.  The whole process had been a challenge, but knowing the cancer is removed is a big step toward peace of mind.

I started another round of chemotherapy on Monday.  I was quite anxious going in as my last time had been so miserable.  So far this round is going great.  I have a new prescription for nausea and it seems to be working so far.  I got through yesterday with flying colors.  Got a lot done and still didn't need much of a nap.  Now that my surgery is healing, I'm not so tired.

I did have one little adventure on Monday.  When I left the doctor's office I had to stop at Group Health to pick up the new prescription for nausea meds.  When I locked my car and got out I thought it odd that I heard a car running nearby.  Wouldn't you know - it was mine.  Car running, keys inside.   Not good.  I did however have my cell phone in my pocked so before I even went in I summoned my wonderful sister-in-law and she sped to my house, picked up my keys and had them to me almost before my prescription was ready.  Hooray!  And thanks for small towns.  The Oncology office is actually within walking distance and Group Health is about halfway between.

So my chemo schedule is back on - two weeks on, two weeks off.  On the Mondays I go to the Oncology for a blood test, doctor visit and IV drip.  The whole thing takes about two hours.  For the entire 14 days I take oral chemo at home each morning during breakfast.  The secret to the whole thing is keeping food in my stomach.  I have to eat every two hours as well as take the nausea pills in order to not get feeling sick.  Also I have to drink lots of water.  I'm used to eating when I'm hungry and drinking when I'm thirsty so it's hard to do it on a "schedule".  But I have to remember this is only temporary and when it is all over I will be cancer free and ready to get on with life.

I am grateful every day that my cancer was caught at a stage where it was "easy" to deal with.  I have so many people who are really suffering from treatments and know that I am truly blessed.  Also, I have wonderful friends and family who have been so helpful and supportive.  Once again - Thank You All.

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