Sunday, June 3, 2012

Here we go again

   Another few weeks have passed and these have been good and bad.  I finished my second week of chemo feeling pretty lousy.  I was pretty tired but gave myself a chance to sleep alot.  I was also feeling a little bit nauseous every day but tried hard to get past that by eating little bits every hour or so. Oddly, I did lose some weight while doing that.  I saw my RN at the end of the two weeks  for a blood test and check up to make sure I was doing OK.  She encouraged me to take the nausea pills each day before I take the oral chemo pills.  I hadn't done that because I wasn't fond of the possible side effects, one being tiredness.  I was already pretty tired and didn't think I needed any more of that. Well, this round starting on Monday will find me taking the nausea pills.  I'm sure they will help and what the heck, I'm sleeping alot anyway.  Oddly enough, I was unable to eat anything green for most of the last month.  I'm just now getting back to being able to eat some vegetables.    
   I've spent lots of time during my "two weeks off"  getting projects ready so I have stuff to do while my useful time is limited, and also figuring out how to break them down into small periods of time. Hopefully I will function better during my next two weeks of treatment.  I do have some things that NEED to get done as well as some things I really want to do.
   I'm very happy to report that Jean and I actually got the vegetable garden planted as well as 6 tomato plants in the ground.  Now all I need to do is water, if it stops raining.  My friend Meghan came and worked in the back yard cleaning out flower beds and moving pots around so I have lots of "new" planting space.  Just need to decide what will work where.  

This is the view out my bedroom window when all the lilacs were blooming.
The bed below the fence is now cleaned out and I'm thinking of putting blue berries there.

Oh yeah - And I got my hair cut off

   So, I have one more day before my next round of chemo starts.  I'm not exactly looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to getting through the next few months and coming out on the other end with a clean slate.  
   My "exchange" surgery for the breast reconstruction is on June 15.  Hopefully I will be "up and running" by the following Monday. It is day surgery and should keep me down for just a day or so.  We'll see how that goes.
   Meanwhile, thank you for all your prayers, cards, calls, and e-mails.  It's what keeps me going!


Wendy Duchemin said...

Cute cut Karen!! Thanks for the update and you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!

Linda P. said...

Thanks for the update Karen. It's not an easy road - my thyroid adventure wasn't too fun either. But you are right in focusing on having a clean bill of health at the other end of this! You will be stronger for it. You are in my prayers daily too. School will be out in three weeks - I'll be by to visit after that. :-)
Good luck on the 15th!
Take care,

charmsbylois said...

Thinking of how totally cute you look with your new haircut! Rest, sleep and play when you can. I will be gone next week to Bead & Button in MIlwaukee but will be thinking of you! xo