Thursday, June 14, 2012

Surgery Tomorrow

   I got real nervous about my blood counts. and my doctor and I decided it was better to know ahead of time if I was OK for surgery.  Neither of us wanted to find out the day of the surgery that I wasn't ready. So, I went yesterday and had a quick test done and was thrilled to find out that my counts are way back up again.  That means I'm off to surgery tomorrow morning (June 15th).  This surgery is to remove the "expanders" and place in the "real" silicone boobs.  I've also asked him to do a little tweeking here and there so I will have more incision than originally planned.  I figure that if this is my final chance to make it like I want it, I should take advantage of the situation.
   It will be a "day" surgery.  Much less invasive that the first one that removed everything. That means I will be out of the hospital in the afternoon.  I will go to my sister-in-law's for at least the first 24 hours, then home to my house hopefully Saturday evening or at the latest on Sunday.  I figure that since I'm going to be sitting around doing nothing I may as well be doing it at my own place.  This time I plan to take the pain meds for as long as I need, so if you talk to me please don't hold me to anything that I say :).  
   Thanks to everyone for all the cards, flowers, emails, prayers, calls and visits.  Each and everyone is greatly loved and appreciated.
   I will try to post again as soon as possible next week.


slowney said...

Karen, sending healing energy for your surgery tomorrow and your smooth recovery. So glad to hear your counts are up.

Hugs, Susan

charmsbylois said...

Thinking of you and planning in my head all the things we can do when we get together soon! xo